So we went to our first apt for Rebecca's scoliosis (the doctor will remain unnamed) and I didn't know what to expect. We had to fill out all the new patient info papers and have all of Rebecca's past x-rays pull up in their computer system. It was taking a while for them to pull up so they left us alone in the patient room to wait, with the computer in the room! So I looked! I'm mean what mom wouldn't look at her kids medical records, after all they were mine!
I could not believe what I saw. Over a two year period on every chest x-ray it said "scoliosis". They had diagnosed her with scoliosis two years ago and never told us! I was steaming, but I kept it together and didn't let on that I knew when the doctor came in to discuss Rebecca.
The doctor came in and said, "she has juvenile idiopathic scoliosis. We have a couple of options. first we will try a brace with her, but if that doesn't work we will have to do surgery on her back. It's very invasive. We will cut her open and put rods and hooks in her back to keep her spine straight." At this point now I'm beyond steaming that he is saying all of this in front of my 6 year old. Long story short, we didn't see that doctor again. Rebecca cried for years about having to get "hooks" in her back. Ugh! Thanks for traumatizing my kid!
Talk about great bed side manors! Not!