The day after I was delivered this devastating news, Josh and I opened the envelope together....IT'S A GIRL! We were ecstatic but a cloud loomed over our heads. Immediately we contacted this doctor doing the CDH research.
CDH (congenital diaphragmatic hernia) - click here to more fully understand
Dr. Quienterro wanted to see us right away, within that week we had an appointment. He explained that he was doing an experimental procedure on babies diagnosed in the womb with CDH. The state was funding 10 procedures, 7 have already done and none of the babies had survived. We would be #8 if we qualified for the procedure, this included doing an amnio to determine that this was not as a result of genetics. So we did the test, came back negative and we were in!
At this time we were surrounded with so many supportive family members and friends who were encouraging us and praying for our Rebecca. Without this support from many of you, I may have given up hope but Josh reminded me that everyone else has faith in God and we too need to keep having faith.
May 2002
at 7 months pregnant Dr. Q did the experimental procedure (click here, this is not him but it's a similar procedure). She survived the surgery, now we wait.....and wait.....and pray....and pray....and wait
A modern day miracle! Praise God!