Wednesday, June 4, 2014


July 29, 2002

I remember it like it were yesterday. I had a scheduled C-section at St. Joe Women's where they would put me under so they could have a completely controlled situation. They wheeled me into the surgery room where there were 20+ doctors there and several nurses. For a moment I felt like a science experiment, they were talking about "the case" with no regard for my personal attachment to this precious child that God knit inside me. For a split second I wanted to scream out "I'm not doing this" but I didn't. Instead I inhaled the gas that sent me into a deep sleep....


"Deborah wake up, they are going to let you see her before they take her to TGH". Josh and the nurse were trying to wake me up early in recovery. They wanted to get Rebecca over to Tampa General because at that time they were the only hospital in Tampa that had an ECMO machine. They literally wheeled my hospital bed into the NICU where I could barely turn my head enough to see her hooked up to every machine in the room (or so it seemed)

Then they took me away, I wouldn't see her for 4 more days.

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