So I thought the hard part was over. It had been 5 days, she's alive, we've made it! Well not quite. Now a different doctor would do surgery on her at just 7 days old to try and put all of her organs back in place and repair the hernia. 6 hours and 1 blood transfusion later she was out of surgery and we could breath, but could she? The short answer was no, she would remain at 100% ventilation for several more weeks. Also she received a chest tube and an ng tube. Every day we would visit her, read books to her and sometimes just stare at her, we could not pick her up or even touch her. She was in a special room within the NICU (a quiet room separate from the other NICU babies).
week 4
They told us they were moving her back to St. Joseph's Women's NICU, to this day I have no idea why they moved her back. Once they brought her back, they told us that she had an infection from the hernia repair and they would have to go back in and try to re-repair the hernia.
So here's where another big miracle happened...
They originally repaired Rebecca's hernia with a piece of surgical mesh, which her body rejected and that's why she got the infection. Before the re-repair the doctor said, "I don't know what I'm going to do, there was no extra tissue from Rebecca's body to do the repair so that's why I used the mesh. We will have to see when I get in there. I know your family prays so now would be the time".
WHAT?! did that doctor just tell us to pray? ok we were going to do that anyway but now this sounds really serious. Hours later the doctor came out from surgery. He had a funny look on his face and I started to panic for a second...
"Your prayers worked!" He told us that when he went in to remove the mesh, he found a flap of skin that wasn't there before! How could this be? We all knew at that moment that God had big plans for Rebecca!
She stayed about one more month in the hospital and then was released. Sent home with an apnea monitor and a feeding tube.
How. Awesome. is our GREAT PHYSICIAN!